Linne Dierckx

Founded by Linne Dierckx, WOODWORK is a full-axis management platform aimed at professional football players. Some of the company’s services include personal branding, wardrobe styling, lifestyle management and event management.

Positioned to include both the intro and extro of the players’ needs, WOODWORK goes deeper than surface-level needs and wants. The company is unique in its big-sister-like way of working, as a result of Linne’s personal experience, of which the knowledge she applies during her practice working with a small dozen of exclusive clients. WOODWORK is a safety net, housed in between a set of values and norms, designed to help give structure and bring happiness to the client’s personal and professional life.

We did the naming, strategy, typeface and branding.

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We always love meeting new people. Give us a call +32 493 45 92 96, or email us hello@aboutcontact.com.